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Why join the FAA

There are many reasons why the commercial firewood supply industry needs a strong association. Firewood is not widely recognised as a renewable, carbon friendly energy source and its use is threatened by policy at all three levels of government. The image of firewood is not helped by the bad practices of some suppliers – illegal and unsustainable harvesting, selling green wood and selling short measure. Government departments, green groups, some health lobby groups and even the general public believe that cutting and burning firewood is bad for the environment.

Many problems threaten Australia’s firewood markets, as well as the industry’s supply base.

  1. New laws and government policies to protect biodiversity, even on private land. E.g. restrictive codes of practice for private native forestry, complex approval processes, controls over dead timber.
  2. Smoke pollution awareness campaigns, wood heater bans and phase out programs are being introduced by Councils with the support of some state EPA’s. Calls for wood heater bans are coming from various health lobby groups as well as The Greens who want to bring about an end to the harvesting of native timber species for firewood.
  3. Wood heater replacement incentive programs are sponsored by gas and electricity suppliers.
  4. Unfair price competition from casual sellers who do not have the overheads and other costs of legitimate practices of reputable businesses.
  5. Public perceptions that firewood is bad for the environment and a lack of knowledge about the greenhouse benefits of firewood as a source of renewable energy for heating.

The FAA provides the industry with a strong voice and the collective power to address these threats and to give its members a viable, long term future. Firewood is an efficient, renewable, sustainable and greenhouse friendly heating fuel. This environmental image is being actively promoted by the association. Member sales are directly assisted by the widespread use of the FAA website. The reputation of the industry is being improved by encouraging consumers to choose “sustainable firewood suppliers” who comply with a government endorsed industry Code of Practice.

The Firewood Association of Australia Inc. (FAA) is a not-for-profit incorporated association established in October 2005. Members of the firewood industry set up the association to improve the long-term sustainability of the firewood supply chain and to protect its members from the threats faced by the industry. The FAA has established itself as a point of contact and reference for government bodies, the media and other groups with an interest in the collection and use of firewood.

To be effective in achieving its aims the FAA needs a strong membership base of reputable firewood suppliers in all areas of Australia. By joining the FAA you can help to protect the future of the Australian firewood industry and achieve a healthy future for your business.

The Benefits of Firewood Association Membership

Increasing the demand for your firewood

  1. Full members of the Firewood Association of Australia (FAA) are entitled to use the FAA member logo, and can advertise as suppliers of “sustainable firewood”.
  2. Full FAA members will be recognised as the preferred suppliers of firewood to the rapidly expanding number of environmentally concerned consumers.
  3. Firewood retail outlets prefer to obtain their supplies from FAA accredited wholesalers.
  4. Searches for “firewood” in Google bring up the FAA web listing.
  5. Full FAA members are all listed as “Sustainable Firewood Suppliers” on the FAA web site
  6. The FAA refers all enquiries for firewood to the nearest FAA member.

Member services and contacts

  1. Membership provides you with numerous opportunities to improve supply chain relationships and develop strong contacts throughout the industry.
  2. The FAA provides advice on trade measurement practices and laws as they are applied in each state.
  3. The FAA provides free training on testing wood for moisture content.
  4. The FAA will assist members by providing representation on issues that threaten the industry such as resource access and smoke emissions.
  5. The FAA has relationships with organisations and departments that influence government policy on firewood collection and use.
  6. FAA members receive newsletters that provide a firewood industry perspective on issues of interest to the industry.

Membership qualification, member categories and costs

The FAA has set its fees to make membership affordable to all firewood suppliers. Application is free for all classes of membership. Applicants for full membership must be able to show that their firewood business complies with the elements of the National Code of Practice for Firewood Suppliers before their application is accepted. Annual membership fees range from $330 up to $990 for retail suppliers and from $550 up to $1,100 for wholesalers, depending on the annual quantity of a member’s firewood sales. Associate membership (for cutters, carters etc.) and affiliate membership (for wood heater manufacturer and retailers, or other interested stakeholders) is also available at $275 per annum.

If you would like an application form or if you want to know more, please contact the FAA by phone on 1300 131 481 or by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can submit an on-line application via this link or we can post an application form to you in the mail.

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